wasyukron lillah, wassolatu wassalaamu ,ala rosulillah wa ‘ala alihi wa
shahbihi ajmai’n . amma ba’du :
Honorable the ones
of jurries ...
Honorable the
participant of english speech contest ...
Firstly, lets thanks to God Allah SWT and
all prices to him, The lord of the world, the creator of everything in the
universe. Who has given us the mercies and blessing until we can attend this meeting
in this place today.
Secondly, peace be upon to our great
prophet in this world namely Muhammad SAW. Who has brought us from darkness to
the lighness until we can discriminate right from wrong and also peace be upon
to his families, his friends, his followers until the end of world.
Thirdly, I’ll never get to thank to master
of ceremony who has given me soon opportunity to deliver my speech in front of
you all in this time.
Ladies and Gentlement !!!
I’am standing in front of you all here
now, i would present my speech under the tittle “Dangers Of Drugs”
What is that? I’am sure you all
alredy know and maybe better than me about what drugd is and what adventages
and disadventages are. Drugs actually are a medicine for anesthetize patients
in surgery. But that perception was missaplied
by some people.
Drugs have beeen missaplied by some people
for a long time. Some people which use drugs the medical treatment consider
that drugs can make them fell better when they finding some problems and for
other reason such as can make them fell easy to find new briliant ideas or just
for a pleasure.
I am sure you will never forget the two or
three years ago accident in the world celebrity precisely in indonesia. When
the drugs user Nova amalia drived her car with high speed and he hit seven
people. It obviously proof the effect of drugs, hallucination of the drugs user
is bigger than the other normal people. They cannot make a distinguish between
the real world and the hallucination world. As well as the latest case in
Indonesia about drug dealers , Mary Jane from Philippines . She is one person
who has made the Indonesian teenager killed his
future with sell the drugs to indonesian teenager. But Alhamdulillah our
president take decisive action to execute drug dealers.
The effect of drugs is not only dangerous
for drugs user it self, with it’s big risks such as overdosis, HIV/AIDS and
same damage in our brain and mental. Drugs also dangerous for the people in
surrounding us, such the example above. It opens our eyes that the usage of
drugs beyond the medical treatment is profitless. Because drugs just lead us in
the destruction for the user it self and for other people in surrounding.
Dear Ladies and Gentleman
But it is so sad, if we hear many young
generations consume the drugs such as heroin, cocain, coplo, dextron, extacy,
marijuana, just to by drunk, just to get enjoyment, just to get satisfaction
without think their future, they only think the temporary pleasure.
As moslems we have the guidance from the
holy Qur’an that drinking Alcoholic drink is forbiden, bad action and
despicable deed. As Allah said in the holy Qur’an :
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ
آمَنُوا إِنَّمَا الْخَمْرُ وَالْمَيْسِرُ وَالْأَنْصَابُ وَالْأَزْلَامُ رِجْسٌ مِنْ
عَمَلِ الشَّيْطَانِ فَاجْتَنِبُوهُ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ
It means: “ Ooo
ye the believers, actually alcoholic drink, gambling, and draw destiny is
despicable from yhe evils actions, so avoid them, may be you will be the pleasure
people”. (al-maidah verse : 90 ).
Ladies and Gentleman ... Because the drugs
or alcoholic drink is so dangerous for our health, for our body, and for our
future. So we must keep away from it, we must avoid it, dont try to consume it,
and dont try to sell or buy it.
Those are what i can deliever to you at
this moment, thank a lot for your full attention to me and i hope you forgiveness for my
mistakes. And the last i say ...
alaikum wr.wb
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